The Flag Issue:Celebrating Scientology's New Spiritual Center
A New Scientology Cathedral

On Sunday November 17, 2013, the Church of Scientology Flag Building opened in Clearwater, Florida. This magnificent new ecclesiastical capitol for the Church is extraordinary, reflecting the religion’s unparalleled growth over the past decade.
Yet, it signifies much more. The 60-year expansion of Scientology has been steady and often dramatic. Why?
Because it works.
And it is the combined strength of empowered Scientologists that is the most important driving force of the Church. It begins with the ecclesiastical leader of the religion—David Miscavige—whose leadership has created the breakthrough strategies that energized the Church’s growth.
Every Scientologist shares in the success. From parishioners throughout the world seeking knowledge and spiritual freedom, to the legions of Church members who generously give their time volunteering on an array of humanitarian projects to help those in need.
It includes thousands of staff members providing religious services in Scientology organizations around the world, and an army of Volunteer Ministers who respond on a moment’s notice when their services are needed to help ease suffering and affliction. It includes every Scientologist who donates time, energy or financial resources to build the better world envisioned by L. Ron Hubbard. Their commitment enabled the construction of the Flag Building.
The Flag Building is unique because the religion is unique—the culmination of thousands of years of Man’s quest for spiritual freedom combined with 21st-century science and technology. The Scientology religion is singular among all religions because its original Scripture is whole, pristine and intact. It is the words written and spoken by Mr. Hubbard, translated and available in more than 50 languages. The purity of that body of literature—the philosophical thinking, the religious technology and its availability to all men and women—defines Scientology.
“Although we have cut a lot of ribbons in recent years and many more are pendulously waiting for their day, this one is special—because this is the one that stretches from eternity to infinity,” said Mr. Miscavige at the Flag Building’s opening. “And when it falls, it will ripple through the very fabric of reality and thereby announce to the physical universe: Your cathedral has risen and your spiritual headquarters is now open!”
The history of Scientology, crystallized by the Flag Building, is a narrative created by many millions of Scientologists worldwide—people who care about humanity, care about each other and care about themselves. The subtext of every aspect of Scientology is freedom—for each person and for all of Mankind. As Mr. Hubbard wrote: “The one impulse in Man which cannot be erased is his impulse toward freedom, his impulse toward sanity, toward higher levels of attainment in all of his endeavors.”
Why this level of deep commitment to a cause or a goal? Because Scientologists know firsthand that Scientology can help change the world and bring about an enduring society without war and crime, and where each person can flourish. That certainty and commitment are unshakable. Scientologists are motivated by their conviction that these goals can be accomplished, and they have the courage to do what it takes to achieve them.
Scientologists know that anyone who looks into the religion and begins the journey along the spiritual path defined by Mr. Hubbard will attain similar gains.
The Flag Building makes that and so much more possible.